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What Ostomy Supplies Are Right for Me?

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We get it. One look at the Canadian ostomy supply product list and you’re overwhelmed by the selection. While it’s great to be able to provide the community with so many choices, those of you who have yet to lock down exactly what you need to optimize your lifestyle simply don’t know where to start. Today, InnerGood is here with an itinerary that will assist you in your quest to find the best options for your unique needs.

Your 5 Step Guide to Deciding Which Ostomy Products to Add to Your Shopping Cart

1. Seek Advice from an ET Nurse

Before you do anything, speak with your ET Nurse. They will be able to provide you with guidance not only on appliances, but supporting accessories. They may or may not have a vested interest in suggesting a particular brand (more typically for appliances) and it’s up to you whether or not you want to adhere to their product loyalty, but the conversation will certainly paint a clear picture about which type of supplies you will need moving forward. Keep reading.

2. It All Starts With the Appliance

As mentioned above, it all begins with the appliance, your ostomy bag. As you can see, there is a pretty diverse selection to choose from, complete with varying shapes, sizes, prices and functionality. In the end, it comes down to the procedure that you received. Whether you had a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy is the dictator here, and will be the guide as to which ostomy pouch system you should choose, along with a few other considerations. For quick reference, InnerGood has provided a definitive guide on how to choose the best pouches for a colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy, and even dives deeper with information about the best appliances for those who have more sensitive peristomal skin.

3. Choosing Accessories

With the biggest purchase out of the way (your stoma appliance) you must now make decisions about which accessories are right for you. This will come down to a few factors, including personal preferences (which will develop over time) along with the identification of other health conditions that may arise from having a recent procedure or aggravated stoma.

For example, if you experience frequent skin irritation around your stoma, you’ll want to keep a healthy supply of recommended stoma skin care products in your cabinet and fanny pack (they’ve made a fashionable comeback). Another example, is in regards to anyone who experiences more significant hygiene issues (odor, etc.) than others, those who will want to find top of the line ostomy hygiene products.

Your lifestyle will also dictate which sorts of accessories and supplies you need. For instance, an avid mountain biker has more unique accessory requirements that say, someone who spends the bulk of their recreational time in the swimming pool.

And when it comes to those aforementioned personal preferences regarding accessories that will develop over time, feel free to test the waters. For instance, brands such as Hollister have a great line of accessories to try this season, as does Coloplast and Convatec.

4. Speak With a Nutritionist (then go back to your physician)

A custom nutrition plan is absolutely instrumental to maximizing your quality of life. By know you know strict adherence to the five-pyramid food guide (speaking of vested interests) is a thing of the past, and thus you need to consider natural health supplements (NHP) to deliver you with the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need. Consult with a nutritionist that is experienced in working with ostomates and/or people with health conditions that impact their gut health. They will provide you with guidance on which types of supplements can serve your overall health and wellness. With that information, return to your physician for approval.

Once you have guidance from a nutritionist, and the “thumbs up” from your doctor, you can then begin exploring brands that provide health supplements that ostomates can benefit from. including Metagenics, which the Canadian ostomy community has made the best selling NHP brand at InnerGood. That, along with fellow ostomate testimonials, provides you with insight you may need to make a more informed choice.

5. Subscribe to Our Ostomy Supply Information Resource Channels

The great news, is that by finding this article (and blog) you’ve already taken one of your most important steps to truly discovering which ostomy supplies are right for you. Every week, we deliver insightful articles that answer your questions, including the ones you haven’t thought of asking yet. By following our blog, along with our social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, will gain early access to information about new products as they become available to the Canadian market, along with special promotions that will help you find the products you need at a great savings, all of which will help you live your life to the fullest.

In addition, we will be sure to alert you when items become available for coverage under your provincial health programs. For example, when Brava elastic barrier strips became eligible for BC’s PharmaCare program, we were among the first to break the news. Use us not only to secure your ostomy supplies, but as your one-stop information resource. We’re here, for you.

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