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Metagenics Testimonials Ostomates Need to Hear – UltraInflamx 360 Plus

Inner Good has not shied away from naming our most popular line of nutritional supplements for those living with an ostomy. But for all of the accolades we bestow upon this reputable brand, we know that you as consumers need to hear from real people. Be they peers or those you look to for inspiration, there’s nothing quite like a voice that speaks to your own. Inner Good provides a platform for that voice. Today, we are delivering a Metagenics product testimonial from a very inspirational individual, someone who without the support of the brand may not have been able to keep up with his own peers in the truest and most extreme sense of the word.

Professional Race Car Driver Lawson Aschenbach Depends Upon UltraInflamx to Cross the Finish Line First

Metagenics UltraInflamx 360 Plus - Lawson AschenbachLawson Aschenbach lives life in the fast lane, literally. As a professional race car driver and NASCAR competitor he has one of the most unique perspectives of what it’s like to live life to the fullest, regardless of Crohn’s disease. His accolades include four Pirelli World Challenge championships, a Grand-Am Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge ST Championship, and a Lamborghini Super Trofeo ProAM World Championship. A few days ago (June 4/2017) he scored his team’s first ever IMSA WeatherTech TOTAL Pole award. Aschenbach clearly has no intention of slowing down anytime soon.

Of course, living with Crohn’s disease didn’t exactly lay the foundation for success on the track. Prior to his diagnosis Lawson was baffled by his lack of energy and strength. Anyone who understands what it’s like to navigate behind the wheel of a metal machine capable of speeds in excess of 200 mph knows how important physical strength and stamina are. If this budding racing star was to fulfill his destiny he would need assistance outside of the pit. Enter Metagenics.

Metagenics stepped in to lay the foundation for Aschenbach’s nutritional plan, one that would afford him exactly what he needed. That came in the form of UltraInflamx Plus 360. While the product name sounds like an event on the NASCAR racing circuit in itself, it is indeed a protein supplement and all around medical food. Formulated to provide strategic macro- and micronutrient support for individuals with compromised gut function resulting from inflammatory bowel disease, it delivers the targeted nutritional support that Crohn’s patients and ostomates alike may need. As a rich protein source it is essential in the maintenance of muscle development, energy, and overall good health. But don’t take our word for it, let’s hear from Lawson himself:

For all of UltraInflamx Plus 360’s nutrient fulfilling (and filling) properties, it is also delicious. The most popular flavor on the market is mango (click here to buy) but we also recommend pineapple banana (available here) even though you if you can’t go wrong with any one of the available UltraInflamx Plus 360 products. View our complete line to find one that suits your needs. The fine folks at Metagenics have also taken the time to provide you with a helping hand in the kitchen, with the following quick and easy recipe for a blueberry citrus creme smoothie:

Stay tuned to the Inner Good blog for future Metagenics testimonials from real people. Would you like to be one of them? Contact Inner Good on Facebook to share your success stories with this or any other supplement that we carry and we may feature you too!

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