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We’re Presenting at the Vancouver Ostomy Association Meeting

The InnerGood leadership team is excited to participate in the Vancouver United Ostomy Association AGM taking place this Saturday. Company president, AJ Leveille, will be sharing his journey as a patient, and why he started He will also be sharing some of his cornerstone lifestyle tips and tricks, his approach diet and nutrition, and how he is able to have a joyful outlook on life. As…

A Life and Patient Journey – Q&A with Life Coach, Julie Singer (Part 2)

Recently our cofounder, Kirk Robinson, caught up with Life Coach and Inner Good customer, Julie Singer. We wanted to hear more about her life story, including her battle with Crohn’s disease, her journey as a patient, adjusting to life with an ostomy (ileostomy), and how she is helping others with autoimmune diseases live life to the fullest [Be sure to read Part One].  In this…

ConvaTec Diamonds Gelling Sachets – Labour Day Week Blowout Sale!

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Good News! We are having a Convatec Diamonds blow out sale – 100 sachets for $62.99! There are only 20 in stock available at this price, so it’s first come first serve for our labour day week sale. [Buy ConvaTec Diamonds now] Why Buy ConvaTec Diamonds If you are looking for a flatter, more discreet pouch or have concerns about leakage and gas – look…

A Life and Patient Journey – Q&A with Life Coach, Julie Singer

Recently our cofounder, Kirk Robinson, caught up with Life Coach and Inner Good customer, Julie Singer. We wanted to hear more about her life story, including her battle with Crohn’s disease, her journey as a patient, adjusting to life with an ostomy (ileostomy), and how she is helping others with autoimmune diseases live life to the fullest. Julie is an unbelievably caring individual who has…

BC PharmaCare Ostomy Supplies and Benefits – Brava Elastic Barrier Strips Now Eligible

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Elastic barrier strips are an essential accessory for ostomates. They add an extra layer of security for your appliance, keeping them in place, minimizing potential for roll-up, and provide longer wear times. Traditionally, medical tape was used for this purpose, but proved to be fruitless for anyone extending beyond day to day “at home” activity. Plan on traveling or going mountain biking or jogging this…

Coloplast Sensura Reviews from Real People – Mio Soft Convex

There’s a darn good reason that Coloplast’s SenSura Mio Convex tops the list of top stoma appliances and accessories that you need to know about. But first, a bit more on the concept of a convex. For ostomates, the term convexity references an accessory that extends into the peristomal skin to provide an effective seal around the stoma. To be effective and prevent leaks (and…

Metagenics Testimonials Ostomates Need to Hear – UltraInflamx 360 Plus

Inner Good has not shied away from naming our most popular line of nutritional supplements for those living with an ostomy. But for all of the accolades we bestow upon this reputable brand, we know that you as consumers need to hear from real people. Be they peers or those you look to for inspiration, there’s nothing quite like a voice that speaks to your…

Ostomy Supply Brands You Need to Know About Part I: Nutritional Supplements

Anyone living with an ostomy for over a year is quite familiar with the most popular ostomy supply brands for pouch systems and accessories. Where there isn’t a lot of clarity, is the realm of diet and nutrition, in particular with respect to supplements. Not being provided with proper education on this topic is concerning, given the importance of a strong supplement regime for living…

Mountain Biking with an Ostomy – What to Know Before You Hit the Trail

The arrival of spring has people all over Canada pulling their bikes out of storage in search of open trails. For many of you, those two-wheeled machines are of the more adventurous variety – mountain bikes. Mountain biking has gained in popularity, and it is a very big deal in the country, especially around InnerGood’s home base of operations in Greater Vancouver BC. If you…

Running with a Stoma Bag – An Ostomy Runners Guide to Achieving Your Personal Best

Spring has arrived in Canada (sort of) and everywhere you see runners and joggers hitting the local track, trail, park or seawall to leave their problems behind while burning a few calories in the process. However, those that have received a stoma procedure in the past year (or two) may be uncertain about their ability to return to the activity they love best. Do you…