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Ostomy Eating Habits to Get Into (and Get Out Of)

Good eating habits are essential to everyone. But for someone living with an ostomy, they are even more important. Narrowing down what to do and what not to do can be a bit taxing, considering the amount of ostomy dietary information out there. Today, InnerGood is locking in some “best practices” when it comes to your food (and beverage) consumption. Before you sit down at…

Ileostomy Nutrition Supplements You Need to Know About

Before we can address a few key nutritional needs for those living with an ileostomy, we need to clear up the difference between an ostomy, colostmy, and ileostomy. By definition, an ostomy is an artificial opening on the abdominal wall through which waste passes out of the body from the bowel or urinary tract. A colostomy is a procedure where which the opening is from…

Preparing for Ostomy Surgery: What to Expect Before a Colostomy or Ileostomy Procedure

Recently we shared an article about the importance of finding the right ET (Enterostomal) nurse.  I can’t emphasize the value of these professionals enough, especially after but even before having ostomy surgery.  In fact, if I had met my ET nurse sooner, I would still have a bellybutton!   Here’s the short version: when my ileostomy happened as an emergency surgery (read more about my…

Where to Order Ostomy Supplies – Why Buy Ostomy Supplies Online

Whether you have recently received a stoma, or you have been living with one for quite some time, where to buy your supplies remains to be a significant decision. There is a lot of information out there, but a lot of it isn’t all that clear. Consumer trust on price, selection, and confidentiality remain to be hot topics in this health, wellness, and medical product…

Finding the Right Enterostomal Nurse After Your Ostomy

I remember well the days of post-surgery recovery in the hospital.  While I was thankful for the relief that my ileostomy provided from the painful symptoms of ulcerative colitis, I was somewhat anxious about what my “new” life would look like.  What would I have to do differently now that I had this unfamiliar stoma protruding from my abdominal wall?  Would I be able to…

Skydiving with an Ostomy – The Sky is No Limit

Inner Good has not shied away from the topic of action/extreme activities and adventures when it comes to living with an ostomy. While some resources out there would have you walking on egg shells for the rest of your life, we steer you in a different direction. In fact, a life changing procedure presents all the more reason to live life to the absolute fullest….

Ostomy and Alcohol – What to Know Before You Go Bottoms Up

While some of you have pledged to cut back on the cocktails as a part of your new year resolutions, you are likely to join in on the libations from time to time. There’s nothing wrong with that, in responsible moderation (of course) and with clearance from your physician. That being said, anyone who was received a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy does need to be…

4 Reasons Why to Choose Inner Good for Ostomy Supplies from British Columbia to Nova Scotia

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Excuse the run-on title. It’s a bit literal, but we’re hoping to make a point. For starters, yes, we sell ostomy supplies. But we don’t want to be pigeonholed as that, and that alone. Inner Good is far from a faceless online shop that simply hocks products at a discount for the masses that need them. We’re more than that. Geography also plays a role…

The Essentials of Feeling “Inner Good”: Drink Water!

It’s happening again.  You have a building headache.  Can’t focus.  You’re feeling sluggish and don’t have energy for your everyday tasks.  And your kids or significant other is growing increasingly irritating.  What’s wrong with you?  Why does this keep occurring?   What if the answer is as simple as this: you are dehydrated.  You don’t have enough water in your system.  Of course, fixes for…

Ostomy Supplements for Children – Top Picks for Your Finicky Kid

If you have a child living with an ostomy, you want the absolute best for them. The best physician, support, and overall care. A big part of this care, is their nutrition. Your family doctor, specialist, and/or nutritionist has provided guidance on the matter. You have a dietary regime of healthy foods that your child consumes, but you also know that given the nutritional deficiencies…