How to Give Your Workout Program a Boost While Social Distancing
Provincial governments across Canada are gradually giving the thumbs-up for fitness centers to reopen under strict health and safety guidelines. However, don’t expect gyms to pack in patrons like the week after New Years Day. While fitness conscious Canadians are chomping at the bit to get back to their routines most are struggling with how to do so while maintaining social distancing. It’s a challenge…
Metagenics Clear Change 10 Day Detox Program
People from across Canada are rethinking their health and wellness and looking for ways to enhance their daily dietary regime. But before embarking on a path to better nutrition many are considering a detoxification program. It can be a great way to cleanse the body of toxins and allow you to begin with a clean slate, so to speak. While a “detox” is an exciting…
4 New Ostomy Supplies Canada Needs to Know About
Exciting new things to add to your ostomy supplies cart In InnerGood’s never-ending mission to deliver ostomates in Canada with the most comprehensive and effective selection of ostomy supplies, we are constantly on the hunt for new products to improve your quality of life. After rigorous research and vetting, we add qualified products to our online store for your benefit. That said, we know we…
Canada Looks to Genestra HMF for Immune Support
People all across the country are turning to natural health supplements to support a healthy immune system. One manufacturer that is gaining demand from Canadian consumers is Genestra, with their line of Human MicroFlora (HMF) probiotics formulas. HMF products have shown to enhance a positive immune response to threats, making them an essential addition to your health and wellness regime. Today we’re going to focus…
3 Supplements Canada Can Turn to Help Boost the Immune System
Promoting immune system health has never been more important. However, the normal immunity boosting activities that Canadians typically enjoy have come to screeching halt. For one, the ability to exercise has been hampered by the closure of fitness facilities and calls for at-home isolation. Sleep, which is another immune health supporter, has also been negatively impacted as people across the country are experiencing high levels…
Providing Canada with Peace of Mind During COVID-19 – Open Letter
Dear InnerGood Community, InnerGood is on the front line to support the health and wellness of people across Canada. In turn, Canadians have come to depend upon our organization to provide and quickly ship products to satisfy medical supply and dietary needs. We take this responsibility seriously and during a health crisis we know that you need us more than ever. We want you to know…
COVID-19 Care Package by Thorne Research
Boosting your immune system has never been more important. But while Canada is being bombarded with coronavirus “best defense” advice (washing hands, social distancing, etc.) there is not enough information being delivered about strengthening one’s immune system. Getting plenty of exercise and eating nutritious foods are a start, but as it was before very few Canadians have the time to sit down and consume the…
Trio Ostomy Supplies Get Seal of Approval from Canada
InnerGood is proud to announce the arrival of a new premium product line, one that has garnered a lot of positive press from across the border. Armed with advanced silicone technology, Trio Ostomy Care is known for delivering the only silicone-based ostomy seal available on the global market. Within a few short weeks in our online store Trio has already found its way onto the…
Want to Order Adults Diapers Online? What You Need to Look for First
Adult diapers. It may unfortunately be the brunt of jokes on TV and at the office but it’s certainly no laughing matter. But when you consider that about 3.5 million Canadians suffer from a form of urinary incontinence you may gain some comfort in knowing that you’re certainly not alone. Still, not everyone is comfortable combing the aisles at their local retailer’s pharmacy in search…
Ostomy Supplies In Canada vs. Our Refer-a-Friend Program
Ostomy Supplies in Canada can cost a lot over a year, that’s why we are excited to announce the launch of our Refer-a-Friend program! This exciting program gives members of our community a chance to receive an account credit in exchange for each friend referral that successful becomes an Inner Good customer by making a purchase. Check it out! Refer-a-Friend Now Why Are We Launching…