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Why Ostomates Feel Great About Convatec Esteem Soft Convex

Today’s product feature shines a spotlight on an exciting addition to Convatec’s range of ostomy one-piece solutions – Esteem Soft Convex. One-piece systems (where the pouch and adhesive base plate are combined) are preferred by many for a variety of reasons. For one, they boast a lower profile which means they are less visible under clothes, which allows you more options when you swing open…

Hollister’s Catheter INFYNA CHIC Steps Up So You Don’t Stand Out

Hollister just released a new catheter that has people talking. With a name that sounds like it just stepped up on the stage at Toronto Fashion Week, INFYNA CHIC is redefining how women catheter users feel on a day to day basis. Let’s find out what the favorable fuss is all about. Why Hollister’s INFYNA CHIC is Making Life Better for Women Who Wear Intermittent…

Ostomy and Urostomy Patient Education Day at VGH | Oct 19th, 2019

If you are an Ostomy or Urostomy patient and are in the Metro Vancouver area, join us for an incredible day of learning on October 19th, 2019 for Ostomy Patient Education Day. RSVP today before the event fills up!   Dr. Morad Hameed, MD MPH FRCSC FACS Associate Professor and Chief, Divisions of General Surgery, Vancouver Acute and University of British Columbia Morad Hameed is…

Is Glutagenics Canada’s Best Glucose Control Supplement?

Another Metagenics natural health supplement is gaining traction across the country – Glutagenics. With an estimated 5.7 million Canadians in a state of pre-diabetes (characterized by a state of abnormal blood sugar levels) it’s no wonder Canada is seeking a better solution for glucose control. Those in-the-know are turning to Metagenics’ proven formula as a means to greater health and wellness. Here’s why. Why Canada…

GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and Weight Loss – Is There an Alternative?

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 receptor agonists) are a newer class of injectable medications that were designed to control blood sugars for diabetics. These medications tell the body it must produce more insulin, releasing sugar as needed. After food consumption, pancreatic cells are signaled to release insulin into your bloodstream. If you have more sugar in your body than it requires, the insulin helps store…

How to Apply for Disability Tax Credit for an Ostomy in Canada by AJ Leveille

Living in Canada has more benefits than I can list here, but a good school system, solid transportation infrastructure, access to greenspace, relative safety, and healthcare top the charts. Of course, all of these things come with a cost – tax. It can be a tough pill to swallow for some, and traditionally for those living with a serious health condition (including a life altering…

What is Metagenics PhytoMulti Used For? Staying Young

Another Metagenics product that has been getting a lot of press of late, including a recent reference in VOGUE as an essential wellness ingredient, is PhytoMulti. However, this product is so much more than an overall wellness support component. PhytoMulti is a proprietary blend of more than a dozen concentrated extracts and phytonutrients with scientifically backed biological activity to support cellular health. Not sure what…

5 Metagenics Supplements to Support Your Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet (or should we say lifestyle?) is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that many studies show to offer numerous health benefits. We’re not here to tell you whether or not the keto-diet is right for you. After all, it’s a choice that you may have already made and cleared with your physician and/or nutritionist. Instead, we’re here to answer your questions about which supplements…

Metagenics Magnesium Glycinate Benefits

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Magnesium glycinate is a health supplement formed by combining magnesium with glycine, a building block for protein that the body produces naturally from other amino acids. This natural health product (NHP) has been the talk of the town as of late, with Canadian consumers and studies alike touting its benefits. That said, quality is everything, and when it comes to NHPs in Canada, there is…

Time for a Gut Check Canada – Metagenics for Gastrointestinal Support

The Canadian Digestive Health Foundation (CDHF) states that more than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive disorders every year. Severity and type vary, with recent data showing that approximately 135,000 Canadians suffer from Crohn’s disease, 120,000 live with ulcerative colitis, 270,000 have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and an additional 15,000 have unclassified IBD. In a decade from now, it is predicted that the prevalence of…