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Douglas Labs TMC Reviews

Review the front label of Douglas Labs TMC (aka Tri-Metabolic Control) and you’ll find the following succession of words; “Provides antioxidants that help protect cells against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.” This sounds fantastic, especially if you know that oxidative damage can contribute to aging and the development of health conditions including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. However, you’ve been hearing…

Best Supplements for Gut Health Canada: Metagenics CandiBactin-AR

The Canadian Digestive Health Foundation reports that over 20 million Canadians each year struggle with digestive disorders and compromised gut health. That’s more than half of the entire population! If that doesn’t serve as a collective call to action, we don’t know what can.  Moreover, research shows that digestive disorders cost Canadians $18 billion annually in health care and lost productivity. It seems households can’t…

Most Effective Supplement for Osteoarthritis in Canada

Health Canada reports that nearly 4 million Canadians live with diagnosed osteoarthritis. That’s almost 14% of the population. What’s more surprising is that the data encompasses those aged 20 years and older. This is not a condition that is exclusive to the elderly. Not by a long shot.  Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is a progressive disease of the whole joint…

Ostomy Care App for New Ostomates by Coloplast

Getting an ostomy is a life-saving procedure, but it is also a life-changing event. Whether your procedure is for a colostomy, ileostomy, urostomy, etc., living with a stoma is a big responsibility, and there is a lot of information to take in on ostomy care when you are new at it and recovering from surgery. The first few weeks can be chaotic for new ostomates…

Best Supplements for Menopause Symptoms in Canada 

The Menopause Foundation of Canada reports that 95% of Canadian women experience menopausal symptoms. Our colleagues suspect the other 5 percent must be doing something special to avoid being looped into the majority. Of course, this select few may be on a dietary regime that includes consuming natural health products that ease the psychological and physiological symptoms of menopause. You suspect the same, which is…

Is AOR Collagen Lift the Best Supplement for Wrinkles in Canada? 

All adult Canadians are anxious about aging to some extent. Comprised cognitive function and physical fatigue are certainly concerns. But let’s be honest, there is one thing that keeps us up at night more than other symptoms of advancing years. It’s what we see in the mirror when we awake – wrinkles.  In a survey of Canadian women regarding which signs of aging bothered them…

Top Incontinence Products by Tena that Battle Bedwetting and Nocturia

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If you’re one of the millions of adults who experience bedwetting or nocturia, you know how difficult it can be to find products that help manage the condition while still being comfortable and discreet. It can be incredibly frustrating if you’ve tried multiple products that don’t seem to work for you. At InnerGood, we’ve dedicated many of our efforts towards carrying products that can help…

Best Hair, Skin, and Nails Vitamins Supplement in Canada? 

Over the last decade, you have noticed that the supplements section in your local pharmacy has significant shelving space dedicated to hair, skin, and nails vitamins. Why are these three “parts” of the body always linked together?  Physiologically, the link exists because they are all part of the ectoderm. The ectoderm is a group of cells that develop during an embryo’s third week. Simply put,…

Is AOR benaGene the Best Anti-Aging Supplement in Canada? 

It should come as no surprise that a primary concern among Canadian adults is the concept of aging. It even ranks ahead of finances. After all, if we had more time, we could make more money and do all of the other things in life that we planned to do.  Concerns around aging include everything from surface-level impediments (how we look) and compromised cognitive abilities…

All You Need to Know About Using Triad Wound Cream

Are you looking for a way to treat an open wound? Triad Wound Cream is a topical antiseptic cream that helps heal minor wounds and reduce pain. This cream is easy to use and can be applied multiple times throughout the day. Here’s a short review of why Triad is effective for healing and how to start using it right away. How Does Triad Work?…