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Ostomy Skin Problems? 5 Stoma Appliances (and Accessories) You Need to Know About

The right appliance can keep the entire area surrounding your stoma smooth.

Skin problems surrounding the stoma has been the topic of conversation on our blog for the past week. We delivered a helpful article on products that will help prevent skin irritations, and a follow-up piece on nutritional supplements that may assist in the prevention and healing of skin conditions at the stoma.

However, your need for the above may come down to your stoma appliances and the accessories that support them. As Canada’s go-to ostomy product provider, we have identified some of the top appliances on the market that, when used properly, will help you prevent ostomt skin problems. But for starters, make sure that you’re using a stoma bag that is appropriate to your condition. View this list that breaks down the pouch requirements for those living with either a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy. From there, you can take a look at some featured appliances that will help you manage skin problems around your ostomy.

Ostomy Appliances and Accessories that Will Help You Keep Stoma Skin Problems in Check

coloplast sensura precut 1 piece pouch

Coloplast SenSura Mio Midi Pre-Cut One-Piece Pouch

You need an ostomy pouch that fits your unique body shape. At the same time, a pouch must fit secure to avoid leakage or movement that can aggravate the skin. This Coloplast appliance is the answer. It has been fashioned with a distinctive adhesive that is manufactured to amplify elasticity and provide a high-performance fit.

BodyFit technology is the secret to the success of this product when it comes to keeping your skin clear of irritation. Pliability is the key. The appliance adheres to the counters of your body frame. It considers and responds to natural body movement without impacting the adhesive properties needed to keep the pouch secure. The adhesive has also been designed to absorb excess moisture, ensuring that the appliance does not move out of place, while abating skin irritations caused by perspiration. View more on Coloplast’s SenSura Mio Midi Pre-Cut One-Piece Pouch.

coloplast sensura mio convex flex barrierColoplast SenSura Mio Convex Flex Barrier

The term convexity (in this context) refers to an accessory that intends to reach inside the peristomal skin for optimal seal around your stoma. This Coloplast product is among the best when it comes to providing convexity in ostomy appliances. It features a fully adaptive convex that integrates flex lines. It helps to make your stoma protrude and keep skin folds apart while providing flexibility that allows you to move in comfort. Borrowing from Coloplast’s BodyFit technology, it provides a superior level of elasticity so that it stretches and flexes with your skin as you move. It can even fit over a hernia, protruding scar tissue and skin folds. View more (including baseplate hole sizing, type, etc.) on Coloplast’s SenSura Mio Convex Flex Barrier.

coloplast brava belt sensura mioColoplast SenSura Belt for SenSura Mio

For all of Coloplast’s flexibility, adhesive elasticity, and ability adjust to your natural body movements, you may find that you need a little extra security. This is especially true if you’ve been experiencing skin irritations up until this point. By using a SenSura Belt (available in all sizes) with your SenSura Pouch you help prevent skin irritation or leakage that can cause skin problems. View more on Coloplast’s SenSura Belt for SenSura Mio.

14" straight pouch, with 1-sided comfort panel, tail clip, no filterConvatec Straight Drainable Pouch

Another brand that has made a name for itself in skin-protective ostomy pouch systems is Convatec. One featured pouch to consider is their Straight Drainable Pouch. This product integrates their Esteem Synergy Ostomy System. The method delivers Convatec’s ground breaking Adhesive Coupling Technology. Instead of using plastic rings (which can aggravate the skin, for some), a foam adhesive is applied. The foam allows the pouch to be securely attached to your skin barrier on a transparent plastic flange. The Esteem Synergy skin barriers incorporate Convatec’s Stomahesive and Durahesive technologies. These have been formulated to be non-abrasive yet extremely durable, protecting your sensitive peristomal skin. View more on Convatec’s Straight Drainable Pouch.

Hollister 89111 - Cut-to-Fit 1 Piece Pouch Convex no Filter Beige 51mmHollister Cut-to-Fit 1 Piece Pouch

No stoma bag list would be complete without Hollister. This brand is no stranger to stoma skin protection either. For instance, in addition to delivering a tapered barrier design with Cut-to-Fit technology, this pouch differentiates itself in skin-protection by infusing the barrier with ceraminde. Ceraminde is from the family of waxy lipid molecules. It is composed of sphingosine and fatty acids and are normally found in elevated concentrations within cell membranes. Ceraminde works together with fatty acids and cholesterol at the outer layer of your epidermis to stave off moisture loss, keeping skin moist, supple, and smooth. By using this pouch system, you help protect your skin’s natural moisture barrier and maintain optimal peristomal skin health. View more on Hollister’s Cut-to-Fit 1 Piece Pouch.

If you have any questions about these appliances, their application, special promotions, and/or shipping, we welcome you to contact Inner Good.

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