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Bodybuilder Ostomy 101 – Top Workout Supplements for Getting Osto-Buff

Inner Good has released a line of products and supplies that span beyond “living” with an ostomy. Forget sustenance, we want to see you excel beyond your wildest dreams. Heck, our weekly content delivery insists upon it.

We have put the call to surfers, martial artists, globetrotters, and fitness enthusiasts alike. While the latter ties into today’s topic, we’re talking about the hardcore gym rats. Those of you who prefer to spend more time lifting, pushing, and pulling than you do much else. Those of you who buck current fitness trends in lieu of old school training. Those who seek to be bigger, stronger, better. You’ve moved past your colostomy, urostomy, or ileostomy and are now focused solely on getting awesome (pecs, bi’s, tri’s, lats, delts, and thighs). 

As a bodybuilder, you know that nutritional supplementation is imperative to your success. As an ostomate, you know that there are nutrient deficiencies and absorption concerns you need to remain aware of. You need to marry the two to pack on that muscle. Inner Good is here to spot you. Keep reading.


Top Bodybuilding Supplements for Those Living, and Lifting, with an Ostomy

Metagenics biopure protein powder 345gMetagenics BioPure Protein

Protein is the word every bodybuilder wants to hear. Whey is naturally next. Metagenics BioPure Whey Protein is a bioactive pure whey protein formula with naturally occurring immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins (aka antibodies) are glycoprotein molecules produced by white blood cells, which are a critical part of your immune response system. High quality whey protein is heralded for its ability to support lean muscle mass growth, while immunoglobulins promote healthy immune system functioning. Metagenics BioPure Protein delivers a one-two punch that will get you pumped, and keep you strong and healthy. Get some.

Metagenics CalApatite Bone Builder 270 tabletsMetagenics Cal Apatite Bone Builder

There is no point in building a mass of muscle if your bones don’t have the bone-mineral-density to support it. The stress you will put on them day in and out in the gym may be more than they can handle, without proper nutrition. That’s why ostomate bodybuilders take Metagenics Cal Apatite Bone Builder. This product supports healthy bone maintenance with microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC) which contains calcium, phosphorus, and traces of other essential minerals in addition to collagen and important bone-based proteins. Your bones will develop an appetite for Metagenics Cal Apatite. Give them what they need. If visits to the doctor/nutritionist evidences a magnesium deficiency, take Cal Apatite Bone Builder w/Magnesium instead.

Metagenics multigenics 90 tabletsMetagenics Multigenics

No bodybuilder nutritional regime is complete without a multivitamin supplement. Given that ostomates have issues with nutrient disintegration and digestion, a unique formula is needed to deliver the vitamins and minerals you need. That formula is found in Metagenics Multigenics. Especially relevant, is this product’s high level of ratio-balanced B vitamins, with extra B12 (an absolute necessity for those living with a stoma) to support homocysteine metabolism. Multigenics also features a 2:1 calcium to magnesium ratio for balanced bone support. Don’t let one gym day (everyday) go by without taking your Multigenics.

Metagenics omegagenics epa dha 1000 60 softgelsMetagenics OmegaGenics EPA-DHA 1000

Bodybuilders need fat. But they need good fat, essential fatty acids (EFA) to be exact. When it comes to EFA omega-3 EPA and DHA are the key. They are considered “essential” because while you need them for proper functioning, your body cannot produce them. Thus, you must obtain them through food (fish) or supplements. In addition to being important to your overall health, bodybuilders appreciate the potential body composition benefits and possible increase in performance. But remember, your omega-3 EPA and DHA must be a balanced to be effective. That’s where Metagenics OmegaGenics EPA-DHA 1000 comes in. Each 1000 softgel delivers a total of 710 mg EPA and 290 mg DHA in triglyceride form, for easy absorption. Check these essentials off of your list.

Precision Tribulus StackPrecision Tribulus Stack

As a bodybuilder, you want a natural lift in free testosterone while suppressing estrogen production. This increase in your body’s testosterone will boost your strength and stamina in the gym. Precision’s Tribulus Stack accomplishes this using tribulus, nettle leaf, fenugreek extract, and avena sativa to stimulate natural testosterone, while tapping into chrysin to naturally suppress estrogen. Get the stack to get pumped.

Precision Micronized CreatinePrecision Micronized Creatine

Creatine. You know it well. If you’re wondering if you can return to, or add, this supplement to your regime the answer it yes, as long as you use Precision’s Creatine. This product is the ultimate choice for ostomate bodybuilders because it is 100% micronized, pharmaceutical grade, and HPLC tested. This let you know that you can trust its purity, potency, and efficacy. Creatine is known to increase strength, power and performance in the weight room. It also reduces muscular fatigue (important for recovery) and accelerates production of intracellular energy. Those who have had an ileostomy understand the risk of dehydration, and thus will further appreciate this product’s ability to hydrate muscles. Add creatine to your supplement plan.

Precision Big Time GainerPrecision Big Time Gainer

Having trouble putting muscle mass and overall size back on after you’ve recovered from your colostomy, urostomy, or ileostomy? You’re not alone. Precision has stepped up again, with Big Time. This high-tech 940 calorie gainer is packed with protein (60 grams), high-quality carbs, and is fortified with every known muscle building co-factor on the health product market, including creatine, glutamine, arginine, ZMA, BCAAS and much more. Go Big Time after your next training session. 

Inner Good’s ever-growing dietary supplement selection is packed with all sorts of health supplements to help you bounce back to bodybuilding form and maintain your health, strength, and sculpted physique for decades to come. Consult with your physician, and start shopping.


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