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Best Supplements for Women’s Sexual Health

Let’s be honest. Men have received most of the attention when it comes to advice on which supplements to take for libido-related issues. Solutions for erectile dysfunction and so forth. But did you know that studies have consistently shown that around one-third of women report low sexual desire? That number grows significantly for postmenopausal women, although those of all ages can exhibit a lack of sex drive. In other words, you’re not alone. 

By now you’ve discovered that no matter how attractive you find your partner/s to be, how many romantic evenings you have planned, and how open you may have been about your preferences in the bedroom, your desire is simply not quite there. If you’re like many women, you may have resigned to accept it as fact. Perhaps you’re not a sexual person? Thinking this way not only limits your quality of life, but it also impedes your wellbeing. You see, sexual health is about so much more than a fleeting good time. It’s important for emotional health and for the maintenance of intimacy with your companion/s. It is also directly correlated to a number of physical health benefits. Studies show that the benefits of sex for women include (but are not exclusive to) the following:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Immune system support
  • Improved heart health
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Improved sleep
  • Other

Simply put, putting off attempts to enhance sexual desire any longer is bad for your overall health. As a result, you’ve decided to take action, which is why you’re searching for information about the best supplements for women’s sexual health. You’ve come to the right place. There are highly effective natural health products available in Canada that can help. One manufacturer is leading the charge to enhance women’s sexual desire and experience – Advanced Orthomolecular Research (AOR). Below are our recommendations for which AOR products to add to your bedside table. 

AOR Health Supplements Women in Canada Depend on to Naturally Enhance Sexual Desire and Experience


Best Supplements for Women's Sexual Health Canada - AOR Maca

There is one ingredient in AOR MACA – maca root. Maca root is a plant that has been used for centuries in South America, including as an aphrodisiac. In the present day, it is now counted as one of the superfoods that women will enjoy adding to their dietary regime. Studies have found maca to be effective against sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women after 6 to 12 weeks of supplementation.

“Is Maca Root the Viagra for Menopausal Women?” (TCA)

Buy AOR MACA today, available at InnerGood.



AOR Estro Adapt

Best Supplements for Women's Sexual Health Canada - AOR Estro Adapt

This product may not be getting the same women’s Viagra-esque press as AOR MACA but it performs a vital function for enhancing sex drive and enjoyment all the same. In addition to promoting estrogen metabolism, liver function, and breast health, Estro Adapt supports the production of “good” estrogen. Having higher levels of estrogen in the body increases vaginal lubrication which is correlated to sexual desire and most certainly enjoyment. View more on AOR Estro Adapt, available at InnerGood.




AOR Ortho Iron

Best Supplements for Women's Sexual Health Canada - AOR Ortho Iron

Most women are well aware of the fact that iron is closely associated with energy levels. An iron deficiency equals low energy. In an indirect way, this can certainly impact your sexual desire. However, there is a more direct relationship. Numerous studies have found impaired sexual function in women with iron deficiency. Iron deficient women who add an iron supplement to their diet may absolutely experience a lift in sexual health. AOR Ortho Iron contains a highly absorbable form of iron and includes nutrients and vitamins that aid in the body’s usage of iron. It is also formulated with nutrients that are proven to prevent and treat deficiency. Lastly, this product is a non-constipating formula that is easier on the stomach than other iron formulas available in Canada. 

“The results of this study showed that the score of all dimensions of sexual function in anemic women is lower than that in healthy women […] It is recommended that iron deficiency anemia should be considered as an effective factor in treating a patient with sexual dysfunction and sexual dissatisfaction.” (National Library of Medicine)

Add AOR Ortho Iron to your cart and experience the difference.

If you have any questions about our AOR products, how to qualify for FREE shipping, or anything else, feel free to contact InnerGood Canada at your convenience.

Disclaimer: Get clearance from your physician before consuming any natural health supplements. 

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