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Ostomy Product Education – Benefits of Adhesive Remover Wipes and Sprays

You’ve recently been told that you’ll be wearing an ostomy bag temporarily or permanently. This is a lot to digest emotionally and psychologically for anyone. As you go down the list of things to learn, you realize the appliance will be adhered to your skin and could hurt when taking it off.  Thoughts of the time as a child when your mom or dad was about to rip off an old Band-Aid come to mind.  It’s going to hurt.

While undergoing surgery for a temporary or permanent ostomy is difficult news to get used to, there is comfort in knowing that there are several ostomy products and accessories that will help you recover and find a new normal quickly. When it comes to skincare and living with an ostomy, getting the right accessories makes all of the difference. Two items at the top of the accessories list are adhesive remover wipes and sprays. Using some sort of adhesive remover is a huge benefit for ostomates or anyone wearing a medical appliance that adheres to their skin.

Why use adhesive remover?  

There are no specific rules as each ostomates situation will differ.  Some prefer to just slowly peel it off, whereas others find their skin suffers without adhesive remover. The majority of ostomates use an adhesive remover and find it makes their change routine easier and faster. Let’s review the benefits and some tips of the wipe and spray versions of adhesive remover.

Adhesive Remover Wipes

Each brand will have their own line of adhesive remover wipes, and they can differ from others.  The differences are usually in size and dampness.  It’s best to call the manufacturer and request samples so you can try them before ordering stock.  If you prefer a smaller yet damp wipe, the Adapt Universal Adhesive Remover Wipes by Hollister is a good choice.  The package has some liquid in it, which can be poured directly on the baseplate before removing the wipe. If you prefer a larger hand size, less damp wipe, the Brava Adhesive Remover Wipes by Coloplast are a great option.  If you’re searching for a wipe that’s a combination of the two, the Salts FlushAway Adhesive Remover Wipes are a perfect choice.  The size of Brava with the dampness of Adapt.  These wipes completely dissolve in water, so they are safe to flush.

Wipes are primarily used in two ways:Adhesive remover wipes available in Canada at Inner Good

1) around the baseplate to loosen for easier removal

Take the wipe and rub it around the baseplate, and you should see it start to lift.  As each case is different, multiple wipes may be needed.

2) to cleanse the skin before applying a new system

In order for new appliances to adhere properly, using a wipe is a great way to ensure the skin is residue-free.


Adhesive Remover Spray

Adhesive remover sprays available in Canada at Inner Good

Some ostomates consider adhesive remover spray an essential part of their routine.  When using a spray, you’ll see the baseplate lift almost immediately, and you can spray directly on areas that need a little more as you take the appliance off.  Little is needed for quick and effective results.  Many ostomates who’d been using wipes for years were anxious to try sprays.  But once they did, they were amazed and wished they had sooner.  Sprays mostly differ with their type of dispenser nozzle.  Brava by Coloplast has a more straight direct spray, whereas Salts and Hollister spray a little more wide.  One benefit of the Salts spray is the peppermint smell.  It’s great to help disguise odour as you do your change.  Convatec has the Esenta line, which has a wider spray and will be more readily available in 2024.

Again, everyone’s routines and needs are different. Some ostomates will use spray and/or a wipe to get off a ring, paste or even glue.  If it works for you, then that’s great.  Ultimately, the idea behind using an adhesive remover is to lessen the stress on your skin.  Ingredients used by each brand can be somewhat different but relatively the same.  They’ve tested their products to ensure it’s skin friendly and works well with their products.  If you’re someone who deals with extremely sensitive skin, try a patch test and/or speak with your nurse.  Click here to browse all available adhesive removers, including Smith & Nephew.

We’re not nurses at Inner Good, but we do have hands-on experience living with an ostomy. If you have questions, we can provide answers. Our staff is trained, bilingual and friendly. Contact us with questions here. We understand that no one thing is the same for us all, and we advise you to reach out to a nurse should you have serious concerns or questions.

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