Carly’s Top 3 Ostomy Accessories by Salts
I was first told I would need to have a colostomy bag in December of 2017. My surgery happened in February 2018. I had no idea what ostomy life was all about, let alone the different brands and accessories that came along with having an ostomy. I had struggles and wins, but I mostly struggled in the early days. My stoma is flat and retracts, which looked nothing like the photos I found online or the prop stoma the nurse showed me when I was marked for my colostomy.
Over the years, I’ve tried pretty much all I could. Samples of bags, rings, sprays, wipes and more. It felt like I was shopping for ostomy supplies more than I did shoes before surgery. If you know me, you know I have way too many shoes. I’m nearing six years with my colostomy and have discovered some products I like to call my ‘favourite things’, an ostomy nod to Oprah and her favourite things list.
What do we know about Salts Healthcare?
I didn’t know much about Salts early on. I first heard about the brand online from my nurse. I knew the company originated in the UK and seemed very popular with UK ostomates. I did some research and asked my nurse some questions. I found out that Salts were available in Canada, but not the complete line. For example, the black bags are only available in the UK, but the wipes, sprays, rings and nude or transparent bags are available in Canada. I focused on the accessories because I had already settled on a preferred bag that was working well for me. I did try some Salts bags, but more so to compare. I was pleasantly surprised with the accessories and how they worked/paired well with my (other brand) ostomy bag.
My top 3 Favorite Salts Ostomy Accessories:
Salts Adhesive Remover Spray – Peppermint Scent
I absolutely LOVE the peppermint scent this spray offers. I have yet to find a spray that smells as good as this one. My only downside to this spray is that I find it sprays wider than the Brava spray which I rank as my top spray for that reason. The Salts spray does not leave any residue on my skin so my bag sticks just fine after using it. In saying that, I always use an adhesive wipe before applying any new accessories or a bag.
Salts FlushAway Adhesive Remover Wipes – Peppermint Scent
Like the spray, Salts FlushAway Adhesive Remover Wipes smell fantastic. It sounds crazy to say that they are flushable, but they are. I saw an in person demonstration from my local Salts representative last year and was shocked. They completely dissolve in water which means they won’t clog any pipes and less garbage to the landfill. I’ve been using these wipes for over a year because they’re that good. They can take a little longer to receive sometimes, but well worth the wait. My analogy of these wipes goes like this:
“If the Adapt Universal Adhesive Remover Wipes and Brava Adhesive Remover Wipes had a baby, these would be the result – Carly”
Salts Mouldable Seals – Thin
I used barrier rings for a couple of years but don’t anymore. I tried all the different brands and had some issues with skin health from wearing a ring and stool escaping underneath. My nurse suggested the Salts Mouldable Seals since they are mouldable rings that have Aloe as an ingredient. These rings were a complete game-changer for me. They stuck well to my skin, and I could easily thin the inner edges with my fingers. I applied a small amount of paste with a Qtip (took most of the cotton off first) where the ring meets the skin to form a dam-type effect.
I chat with a lot of ostomates on Instagram (handle Ostomate and the City) about leaks and overall skin health. These 3 products are ones I recommend quite often and usually hear praise from users after they have tried them. Will every product work for each ostomate? No. Are these three something ostomates in Canada should try? Absolutely. Remember, I am not a nurse, but I am an ostomate. Hearing from someone with life experiences is something I find valuable. The amount of tips and tricks I’ve learned from others over the years is priceless. I hope this blog of my experiences can help you in some way. Feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message directly on Instagram.
As much as none of us wanted to deal with ostomy life, it’s our reality. No need to dwell on what could have been, but instead, face the facts straight on. Any reality has its ups and downs, and I hope these products help you get some more ups.
Stay ostomy proud,
Marketing Coordinator, Inner Good